Last month (January 2015) was our first month with our new blog and our first issue of free lessons centered around the theme Five Senses. For the month of February, we will be moving on to a new theme…PETS! What better way to start this month’s theme than with a quote: Whether you’re a cat, dog, […]
Art with Kids – Five Senses
After reading one or several of the books on My Five Senses, including Miss Humblebee’s Academy ebook My Five Senses, spend some time using their senses to create with art. Five Senses Book Materials: Paper, crayons, markers and paint Instructions: Give your child a piece of paper with this sentence across the top: I like to […]
Miss Humblebee’s Academy Prepares Children For Academic Success
Welcome to Miss Humblebee’s Academy, we are happy you have stopped by and hopefully you will stay awhile. • Perhaps you are just starting to do some research to prepare your little one for school and you ended up here. • Maybe you are already working with your child at home but want to make […]
Everything You Need To Know About Kindergarten Curriculum
During a child’s first year of learning all of the basics for reading, writing and problem solving are addressed. Kindergarten curriculum is structured so that children build a solid foundation for all of their future learning. This is one of the most important times in a kid’s educational career. Letter recognition is one of the […]
Quote of the Day
Halloween Color Sheet
Tips For Kindergarten Readiness
When the day arrives for your child to start his or her first day of school, you may be overcome with emotion as you watch them enter into their new academic environment. It is important to understand that learning processes begin far earlier, as all children possess a natural curiosity and constantly try to make […]
Kindergarten Curriculum Ideas For Pre-schoolers
Early childhood education experts say that universal pre-school programs have positive benefits for children, even if the government thinks pre-k resources should only be focused on low-income families. According to researchers, federally-funded pre-k plays an important role in brain development during the early years of life, and preschool helps prepare kids for the increased demands […]
Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style For Kindergarten Readiness
Determining how your child learns will help you to become a more effective aid during the formative stages of his or her academic training. Unfortunately, most kindergarten prep often occurs outside of the home. This means that parents commonly gauge their children’s progress and abilities based on teacher feedback and on the quality of the […]
Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten Prep
Preparing preschoolers for kindergarten requires a little prep. During the summer, kids have a lot of fun playing and seldom think about school work. This “summer slide” can make it harder to learn in the first few weeks back to school. Even small children (getting ready to start kindergarten) can experience this problem. The summer […]