Whether you love hiking with your kids or dread it, this activity from Temecula Blogs is sure to make hiking an enjoyable experience. Get the free printable here.
Water Balloon Parachute
This fun activity is full of potential for scientific discoveries. Get the directions from Fantastic Fun and Learning here.
Ice Cream Cone Names
Help your child learn to write her name with this adorable ice cream themed printable. Get the directions and the free printable from A Dab of Glue Will Do.
Simple Water Wall
This easy-to-set-up activity from Teaching Mama will keep your kids entertained for hours! Learn how to make it, and how to take it from an outdoor summer activity to an indoor winter one here.
Christmas Gross Motor Game
Are your kids so excited for the holidays that they have a bunch of pent-up energy? Help them release it with this fun game from Pre-K Pages. Find the instructions and printable here.
Homemade Pompoms and an Indoor Snowball Fight
Everyone loves a snowball fight, but if you live in a place where there’s no snow or if it’s too cold to play outside, you’ll love this indoor version from Layers of Learning! Find the instructions here.
Amazing Race: Library Edition
If you’re a fan of the show, you’ll love this educational version for kids by Rock the Library. It would make a great birthday party game. Get the instructions here.
STEM Paper Airplane Challenge
“Educational” is probably not the word that comes to mind when you think of paper airplanes, but this activity from Kids Activities Blog will change that! Find the instructions here.
Toothpick Puzzles
Need a simple activity to keep the kids busy while you’re at a restaurant? These toothpick puzzles from Education.com will do the trick! Find the instructions and the puzzles here.
Bug Photo Scavenger Hunt
If your child loves creepy crawlies, this activity from Playground Parkbench will be right up her alley. And if she doesn’t, this is a great way to lessen her fears. Find the instructions here.
Candy Corn Preschool Activities
Candy corn is the quintessential autumn candy. Your child is sure to enjoy this activity from This Reading Mama, but don’t be surprised if you end up with fewer candy corn than you started with! Find the instructions and free printable here.
Teaching Personal Finance to Teens
Get your teens prepared for the real world with this fantastic role play activity from Math Giraffe. Find the instructions here.
Pom Pom Drop STEM Challenge
You know those activities that the kids are so involved in and having so much fun with that they don’t even realize their educational too? This STEM challenge by Coffee Cups and Crayons is just that kind of activity. Find the instructions here.
Public Speaking Activities for High School Students
When your teen starts participating in activities that require public speaking, it can be a bit nerve wracking. These activities from The Language Arts Classroom will help your child become more confident. Find the instructions here.
Double Doodle Art
Left-handed or right-handed, left-brained or right-brained, this art activity by Artful Parent will both challenge and excite your kids. Find the instructions here.
Lego Hangman
All the Lego lovers out there will adore this activity from Pink and Green Mama! Get your kids excited about reading with Lego Hangman. Find the instructions here.