Make sure to keep reading to get your FREE Kindergarten Readiness Checklist According to researchers, the future success of children is determined before they go to elementary school. Throughout these crucial years, the way they learn and develop mentally and socially is critical. It is therefore, no wonder that teachers, researchers, families, and government emphasize […]
Kindergarten Curriculum – What To Expect The First Year
As a mother of a new kindergartner, I know first hand the questions, hopes, and concerns for your child’s first year. The first school year is always full of joy and excitement for both parents and children. Preparing your child both academically and socially can help your child both inside and outside the classroom. […]
Four Fun Days in March to Celebrate With Your Kids
These days there’s a holiday for everything. Every day of the year has multiple things to celebrate, whether it’s National Pig Day (March 1st) or World Mosquito Day (August 20th). If you can dream it up, it probably already has a day assigned to it. While it’s silly to consider celebrating every special day, it […]
How to Develop Your Child’s Love of Learning
Below: We all want our kids to enjoy their school years, so we need to help them develop a love of learning. Here’s how to do it. Whether you were a kid who loved school or hated it, as a parent, you probably have a strong desire for your child to love it. We all know […]
The Five W’s of STEAM
We’ve all heard a lot about STEM education in the past few years. As the US has fallen behind many other countries in mathematics and sciences, and as we continue to move towards a more and more technological society, a push to encourage Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to students in an integrated manner has […]
Educational to Make, Awesome to Receive: Mother’s Day Gifts Moms Will Love
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and kids everywhere are getting crafty in preparation for the big day. While every mom loves a handmade Mother’s Day gift, whether it be a hastily drawn picture or something more time-consuming, wouldn’t it be great if the creation of that gift also helped your children practice academic skills? Miss […]
Choosing The Right Curriculum For Kindergarten Readiness
There are many benefits of homeschooling for children, as they receive the type of personal attention that is not possible with public school systems. However, it is important to have the right preparation for that first year. Here are some good reasons to use an interactive online curriculum for kindergarten prep.When you choose online teaching […]
16 Eerily Fun Halloween Learning Activities
For most kids, Halloween is all about the costumes and candy. While parents can certainly understand this excitement, most of us would prefer that the sugary aspect of the holiday take a lesser role. With that in mind, in the weeks leading up to Halloween this year, why not turn your kids’ focus to the educational side […]
Educational to Make, Awesome to Receive: Father’s Day Gifts Dads Will Love
Father’s Day is quickly approaching and we all know that dads can be notoriously hard to buy for. Instead of buying a gift this year, why not have the kids make him something special? These gifts are not only something that dads will love, but they also target specific skills during the creation process. Educational […]
Four Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
Is there any better teacher than the Great Outdoors? Nature provides limitless opportunities to explore, ask questions, experiment, and perhaps most important, simply enjoy. Each year on April 22nd, the world celebrates Earth Day, a day to show support for protecting the planet on which we live. If you’re thinking of celebrating this year, you’ll find inspiration […]
12 Valentine-Themed Sensory Play Ideas
We all have our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to how we learn. For instance, I’m terrible at retaining information I hear, but am a much better visual learner. While discovering how your child learns is a great way to know how to tailor learning activities to her, the best way to teach any child is […]
You’re Teaching Your Child Scientific Concepts Without Even Realizing It! Here’s How:
“Why? Why? Why? Why?” If you have a child over the age of two, you’ve probably heard this question a million times already. It can certainly get tiring, but that innate curiosity of your child is actually a wonderful thing. You’re Teaching Your Child Scientific Concepts Without Even Realizing It! For the past two weeks, […]
The Ultimate Play Dough Resource List
Written by Lauren Cormier of Oh Honestly It’s National Play-Doh Day and Miss Humblebee’s Academy has gathered up everything you need to celebrate the most famous modeling compound of all-time. Did you know that Play-Doh actually started out as a cleaning product? That’s right; it was first created as a wallpaper cleaner. Thankfully, someone had […]
Rainbow roses
Make these beautiful rainbow roses with your kids. For full instructions please visit
Starry Night Sky Slime
This starry night sky slim is easy to make and a lot of fun to play with. For full instructions please visit
DIY rain clouds – one of the best science activities for kids!
This fun activity helps kids understand rain clouds. For full instructions please visit