Flexible thinking is important for all different aspects of life, and the development of this thinking begins from a very early age. Learn about why it’s necessary and how to help your learners improve this way of thinking.
Routine in a Chaotic Life
Caregivers, do you feel overwhelmed sometimes? Maybe all the time? Do you feel like you are ruled by chaos? That’s a feeling I know too well. I thrive with an established routine, and becoming a parent threw a wrench into my routine as I’d known it. Read more to see how I rediscovered a daily routine with kiddos in the mix.
A Case for Kindergarten Technology In the Classroom
Social media, smartphone technology, and similar platforms have made it easier than ever to connect and communicate globally. Increased attention has been placed on such mediums for student interaction. While many schools have banned any form of web-based devices and technology in the classroom for privacy and safety concerns, a number of teachers are incorporating […]
Teaching Kids How to be Good Decision Makers
For the majority of your child’s early years, you are the main decision maker in her life. You decide what and when she’ll eat, what she’ll wear, what her day will look like, and when she’ll go to bed. However, part of your job as a parent is to teach your child to become independent […]
How Parents Can Help Their Children Prepare for Preschool
Parents want their children to have the best chance in school. When their children near the age of starting preschool, they may wonder what they can do to help their kids prepare. Learning begins at home and many academic and social skills that are necessary for preschool are naturally taught in the home environment long […]
Teaching Children to Use Encouragement
Studies have shown the impact that positivity and negativity can have on a person. While negativity creates stress, narrows your focus, and decreases your concentration, positivity enhances happiness, expands your outlook, and increases cognitive abilities. In other words, you are happier, more productive, and smarter when you have a positive outlook. But how do you […]
The Benefits of Social/Emotional Learning for Children
Below: The benefits of social/emotional learning for children are many. Here’s why it should be incorporated into both school and everyday life. Being a kid these days isn’t easy. The pressure to join dozens of activities begins before they’re even walking. They’re expected to master academic skills at younger and younger ages. Bullying, online and in […]
Kindergarten Prep – Raising Moral Children
Below: Raising moral children starts early and takes effort. These tips will help. The early years in life are perhaps the most important when it comes to instilling values in children. In fact, it can easily make the difference between raising a kind or indifferent child. Here are some helpful kindergarten prep tips for raising kids […]
How to Teach Children Resilience
As parents, our first instinct is to protect our children. From the moment they’re born, we do our best to keep them from harm. We listen to the research that tells us to put them to sleep on their backs, we have their car seats tested by an expert to make sure they’re installed correctly, […]
Mindfulness: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Mindfulness seems to be the latest buzzword making it’s way around the internet. Mindful meditation. Mindful parenting. Mindful eating. It’s been applied to a number of situations, but what is it exactly? Just the latest fad that will give way to something else in a month or two? Well, maybe. But when you dive into […]
Teaching Kids How to Handle Frustration: A Step-by-Step Guide
Below: Frustration is a normal and regular part of life. Teaching kids how to handle frustration in a healthy way will help them throughout their lives. As adults, we all understand what it feels like to be frustrated. We encounter frustrations big and small every day, from getting behind a slow driver when we’re already […]
Use Positive Reinforcement With Your Children and End Nagging
Below: Help your child develop the behaviors and skills that will help her thrive through the use of positive reinforcement. Bonus: You’ll get to stop nagging! “How many times have I told you to pick up that plate?” “Have you finished your homework yet? Come on! You need to get it done!” “Why isn’t your room […]
Four Fun Days in March to Celebrate With Your Kids
These days there’s a holiday for everything. Every day of the year has multiple things to celebrate, whether it’s National Pig Day (March 1st) or World Mosquito Day (August 20th). If you can dream it up, it probably already has a day assigned to it. While it’s silly to consider celebrating every special day, it […]
How to Teach Manners to Your Child Without Nagging
Below: Teach manners to your child with these tips that are nag-free! Before becoming parents, we all have certain expectations about what our children will be like. We envision what they’ll look like, who they’ll take after, and how they’ll behave. We know they won’t be perfect, but many parents-to-be have confidently uttered the phrase, […]
500+ Conversation Starters to Build Strong Connections with Your Kids
Below: Build deep and lasting connections with your kids with these conversation starters. As parents, we all desire to foster deep and lasting connections with our kids. When they’re babies, it’s relatively easy to feel like we know everything about them. After all, we are intimately involved in every aspect of their lives, from feeding […]
How to Help Your Child Make Friends at School
Below: If you want to help your child make friends at school try these tips to enhance their social and emotional skills. For school-age kids, playing is an important part of social learning. Kids are learning to work together while having fun at the same time. If your child seems a little reluctant to make […]