There are many benefits of homeschooling for children, as they receive the type of personal attention that is not possible with public school systems. However, it is important to have the right preparation for that first year. Here are some good reasons to use an interactive online curriculum for kindergarten prep.When you choose online teaching tools, they can be with you anytime and anywhere. If you are traveling you can still access everything you need from a tablet computer. This way, there is no interruption in your study program.
It can be difficult to come up with a fun and effective strategy to prepare a child for school. That is why many parents are turning to Internet interactive programs. Much of the hard work is already done for you. Once you choose completely interactive tools like Miss Humblebee’s Academy you have help with teaching from preschool through kindergarten prep. You receive emailed progress reports for your child each and every week. This helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your preparation strategy.
Maybe your child will be attending a public or private school. With the right preparation, he or she will not be left behind and always trying to “catch up” with the rest of the class. Kids properly prepared feel more comfortable and are better adjusted than those that are not prepared.
Interactive programs provide a great deal of assistance with math prep. You get tools for matching and sorting and recognizing numbers. Shapes, patterns, measurements, and time, are also part of the math program. Your child will learn about money and how math is an integral part of the monetary system.
Quality prep programs include special tools for social studies and science. This includes examining the difference between living and non living things. Your child may enjoy sinking and floating experiments, and learn about size comparisons. Planet Earth is also covered, as is the solar system and stars.
Most preschool art is basic drawings that are often indistinguishable. With a good interactive prep course a child learns about famous artists in history. Painting by letters or numbers is also covered. The child can use the computer for artistic expression and then print out his or her masterpiece.
No study would be complete without extensive reading tools. Children learn the alphabet and also have the chance to use worksheets that let them write all the letters that they sound. They will learn the difference between capital and lower case letters, and see the different parts of books. Young students have the opportunity to take words apart and make new ones from them. Enunciation is also covered in a way that children understand. This program also includes a great deal of music for kids to enjoy and appreciate.
If you would like help preparing your child for kindergarten, it is as close as your computer. An effective interactive curriculum like Miss Humblebee’s Academy provides valuable tools for teaching young minds. When you choose a quality program, learning becomes fun and sparks the interest of children. This enhances the experience for student and teacher. Try your free 7 day trial of Miss Humblebee’s Academy kindergarten prep today.