How Can You Ensure Your Child Is Learning What They Are Suppose To?
Luckily for parents, they can do a search and find all they need to know…right? This would be true if you knew what to look up, had time in between all the other things you do and were able to keep up the homeschooling or supplemental teaching.
Let’s say in a perfect world you did manage to find the time to implement this new teaching program, you’ve purchased the books, apps and/or online membership.
Now what?
Do you even know if your child likes this new program? Are they doing well? Are there progress reports that are tracking trends? Can you understand all the different charts, diagrams, percentages and number of smiley faces vs. frowny faces? Do the core components of this new program mesh with the Common Core State Standards? Are you exhausted and unmotivated yet? Imagine how your child is feeling?
And the question again…Now what?
Open the lines of communication between you, your child and your child’s teacher and find a program that will fit and match your child’s needs. Another great way to get a better understanding is to sit down with your child as they begin this new journey. Remind them they are not alone and your are all learning together.
If you need more assistance or recommendations on a program that could be a great fit for your child check out Miss Humblebee’s Academy, kindergarten preparatory program for free for 7 days.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
By: Crystal Labbe