How are we preparing our children for academic success? Through drills? Memorization? Worksheets? Testing?
As parents we want our children to do well. Correction: We want them to do very well.
In most cases the way to find out how much our children know is through drills and testing. Every day, in some form or another we are testing our children.
How many napkins do we need?
Which letter comes after D?
When is your birthday?
What happens when you put a glass of water outside on a freezing cold winter day?
The word “test” has developed such an ugly connotation, but is testing really that bad? Perhaps it’s stigma comes from the method in which we test or how we prepare our children for these tests.
Equally important to how we test is what we do with the information after the test and how we alter our teaching approach to improve skills and critical thinking based on that information.
In order to understand the importance of early childhood education and academic success we, as parents and educators, need to give children the skills to face real life with confidence and excellence.
Testing in itself does nothing to improve a child’s understanding or guarantee academic success. What we do with the information is how we empower and educate our children.
Instead of focusing on how your child ranks relative to other children his or her age, focus on your own child’s improvement.
By having strong guidance and care from parents along with high motivation from the child, the learning opportunities are endless.
With Miss Humblebee’s Academy, children are motivated to learn with the interactive online curriculum, and parents have the information they need, in the form of weekly progress reports, to guide their children’s learning.
Learn more about Miss Humblebee’s Academy and get a free week here.